
Local Favorite

博多屋台 Fukuoka Prefecture Local Favorite

Hakata Yatai: Get ready to go yatai hopping and check out Fukuoka’s many famous and fascinating local food stalls!

As the sun sets in Fukuoka, the city's once empty sidewalks come to life as the many food stalls known as yatai begin to pop up, as if…

博多の食と文化の博物館ハクハク Fukuoka Prefecture Family

Fukuoka Hakata Museum of Food and Culture : Mecca of mentaiko? Welcome to HAKUHAKU, a museum of deliciousness!!

Hakata is famous for mentaiko (cod roe).The museum was produced by "Fukuya," a mentaiko (cod roe) manufacturer born in Hakata, with th…

門司港レトロ 夕暮れの門司港駅 Fukuoka Prefecture Local Favorite

Discover the many great sightseeing spots and stylish retro atmosphere of Mojiko Retro!

Surrounded by the sea and mountains, the port town of Mojiko once prospered as a hub of international trade.Even today, many historic …