
Fukuoka Hakata Museum of Food and Culture : Mecca of mentaiko? Welcome to HAKUHAKU, a museum of deliciousness!!

Hakata is famous for mentaiko (cod roe).
The museum was produced by “Fukuya,” a mentaiko (cod roe) manufacturer born in Hakata, with the desire to promote the food and culture that Fukuoka and Hakata boast throughout the country and to further enliven the local community. The museum was named “Haku-Haku” by combining two letters of “Hakuhaku” of “Hakata” food and culture.
HAKUHAKU is a very interesting museum filled with “food”, “culture”, and “experience”. The Fukuoka and Hakata citizens are very proud of it!
The museum includes the very popular mentaiko (cod roe) factory tour, a mentaiko creation experience, a café with a mentaiko dishes, a store with a variety of Hakata specialties and rare items, and various exhibitions where visitors can discover the charms of Fukuoka and Hakata.
In the factory tour where you can learn the process and history of mentaiko, you can ask questions such as, “What are the ingredients of mentaiko? How is it made? How long have people been eating mentaiko? You will discover the answers to these and many other questions about the secrets and history of mentaiko!!


At the “mentaiko workshop” (reservation required), visitors can enjoy making their own mentaiko in about 30 to 40 minutes. You should try making your own “mentaiko”! You make it so it’s personal and the only of its kind in the world!. You can even chose the level of spiciness! Single participation is also allowed,

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Hakata ramen, motsunabe, and spicy cod roe are well-known Hakata foods, but what other foods are there? You can learn about all sorts of foods that originated in Hakata. Mizutaki,
There is also an exhibition where visitors can learn the secret story behind the birth of mentaiko and the reason why mentaiko spread throughout Japan, along with an exhibit that recreates the storefront from the time of the company’s founding.
After “seeing,” “touching” and “learing about” these treasures of Fukuoka and Hakata, visitors can have a relaxing time at the Haku Haku Café.
HakuHaku’s famous “All-you-can-eat Mentaiko” is a popular lunch menu that, as the name suggests, allows you to feast upon all the mentaiko (cod roe) you can eat from Fukuya.


The store here offers a large collection of popular souvenirs, including famous Hakata sweets, sweets made from Fukuoka specialties, traditional crafts, and even Hakata dolls.
Freshly made raw mentaiko (cod roe) and skin-on barako (barako with skin), which are only available at Hakuhaku, are also popular.
Is this the perfect place to visit and the holy land for mentaiko lovers!! Please visit HAKUHAKU.

– Basic Information –

Hakata Museum of Food and Culture (Hakuhaku)
Location: 2-14-28 Sharyo, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka 812-0068 MAP
Phone number: 092-621-8989
Hours of operation: 10:00-16:00 (admission until 15:30)
*Because the factory operates until around 2:00 p.m., we recommend that you visit the factory in the morning.
Closed: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Year-end and New Year holidays
*The museum may be closed temporarily for separate maintenance, etc.

Hakata Museum of Food and Culture (Hakuhaku) https://117hakuhaku.com/